Friday, June 29, 2007

A Long Friday

I'm so thankful it is Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to accomplish something this weekend.

I want to clean all 6 of my fishtanks. I've been home more than a month and have yet to clean them. Fortunately the large amount of algae in them is giving off so much oxygen that the ammonia levels have yet to rise; in fact they are non-existent. I will feel accomplished if I can get this done tomorrow.

Today work crawled by. The morning went by relatively quickly and I was thankful for that, but the afternoon seemed to last forever. I thought 5 o'clock would never happen and I'd be trapped at work forever.

Today I saw my dad again because he came into the Clerk's Office in order to obtain a concealed weapons permit. It was weird and I was both nervous and anxious at the same time. I was glad to see him though. I don't want him to think that I hate him or have completely blocked him out of my life forever. He has to come back sometime because he was unable to get his fingerprints done today because the officer who does them had already left for the day.

My dad looked good. He was clean-shaven and his blue collar clothes were clean. He looked young as well. I think it'd be difficult for someone to guess that he's a recovering alcoholic (I hope), a smoker, and a diabetic.

My iPod is working again, which pleases me to no end as I don't have the money this week to buy a new one. The iPod said it was corrupted and wouldn't properly restore last week. I got extremely frustrated trying to go through all the steps in order to fix it. So tonight I decided I wanted to open it up to see all the components inside. I had difficulty doing this with a screwdriver and in frustration banged the screwdriver up against the sides of the iPod. To my surprise the iPod booted up properly. This prompted me to try once again to download all of my 3,057 songs back to the device. So far it is working splendidly well. At the current moment 2,500 songs have successfully been put on my iPod. I hope it continues to download and will work properly until I have the money to buy a new 5th generation video iPod.

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